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Policy Primers
Think of our policy primers as a “101” course. They deliver the basic information you need to join the conversation about some of our country's biggest public policy challenges.
Want to dive deeper? Follow the links on the yellow sticky notes! And check out our suggested reading in the Questions for Solutions section.
Interested in learning about more issues? Check back here for new releases about Medicare, student loans, and more.
More than 65 million Americans rely on Social Security for retirement income, survivors benefits, and disability insurance payments. The program is the single-largest expenditure in the federal budget. Learn more about how the program works, its funding challenges, and some ways to address them.
Learn about the Social Security programWhat's in a number?
To paraphrase Senator Everett Dirksen,
“A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money..."
When talking about the U.S. federal budget and its various programs, the terms “millions”, “billions”, and “trillions” get thrown about freely. In reality, these numbers are so large, and the jump from one to the next so vast, that they can be staggering to wrap your head around.